This demonic Marvel adaptation is visually groundbreaking, no doubt, but is not an easy ride. Ghost Rider's exaggerated tone and dialogue and hell-driven sequences provides many speed bumps on this less-than-anticipated ride.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Wanting to see Ghost Rider 2, I realized I had never seen the first one. I obtained this new copy at my W-Mart $5.00 bin. I liked the sound track which includes the fine classic rock Satanic songs of Ozzy, ZZ, and the Carpenters. Cage sells his soul to the devil, former Easy Rider Peter Fonda and becomes his bounty hunter in the form of Ghost Rider. The movie is rather boring until we get the transformation, although it tries to keep us entertained.The highlight for me was the interview Eva Mendes conducts with a punk girl who describes Ghost Rider. "His head was all like in flames...but he made it look good."
Sam Elliot ensures the picture will remain a cult classic.No f-bombs, sex, or nudity. I am looking forward to the sequel.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
i just don't care if anyone hates it .i just love ghost rider & i cant wait for the sequel.i agree that the effects were not that great & story was weak .but the film is a fantastic entertainer.starting Eva Mendes & Nicolas Cage ghost rider 2007 should be enjoyed with leaving the brain behind its not the matrix so of marvels best films after hulk & spider-man series.i got the DVD & i love it & i think i am not alone in liking this one there are a lot of people who loves Johny blaze becomes the man with skull on will have to see Gr to find outmy rating is 10/10 must see